Manufacturing/Quality Management

Vortex Hydra operates strict quality control procedures during the manufacturing process.  The procedures can be customised by agreement to incorporate any of the customer’s quality requirements from material acquisition through to the testing of the equipment. The VH Quality Engineers apply controls to their third party suppliers, who in turn will be certified to ISO 9001, for various stages of parts and equipment…

Assembly and Workshop Tests

Vortex Hydra in agreement with the customer can undertake a series of tests on all plant and equipment at different manufacturing stages.The tests are normally based on current International Standards but can be customised to suit a clients own specific requirements that he will have provided to Vortex Hydra in advance. Quality Performance Tests can include but are not limited to the following non- destructive tests…

Packaging & Shipment

Vortex Hydra from project quotation/initiation stages place much emphasis on the values of the successful packaging and transportation of the plant and equipment. The company recognise the importance of obtaining the perfect transport conditions which includes the optimisation of cargo dimensions for safe movement of plant and equipment together with the most cost efficient solution. Having vast worldwide …

Replacement of Existing Valves

Although having many decades of experience in the design and manufacture of gates and valves, Vortex Hydra has played a significant role in the last 10 years in both the maintenance and complete upgrading of hydro-electric plants in Italy and overseas.The importance of these energy providing plants has become even more significant in recent years as the worldwide demand for energy evermore increases…