HYDROPOWER CONFERENCE 2025, 25-26 March 2025, Palm Springs, CA We wait for you at our booth N. 221 COME AND VISIT US! For further information please contact Ms. Sara Succi at sara_succi@vortexhydra.com
HYDROPOWER CONFERENCE 2025, 25-26 March 2025, Palm Springs, CA We wait for you at our booth N. 221 COME AND VISIT US! For further information please contact Ms. Sara Succi at sara_succi@vortexhydra.com
In strategic infrastructure projects that serve community life, such as hydropower plants and dams, reliability is paramount. Unplanned downtime can result in substantial costs, operational delays, and safety risks. This makes having the right spare parts readily accessible absolutely essential. Why Choose Our Spare Parts? 1. Guaranteed Quality and Compatibility Our spare parts, especially…
In 2019, Vortex Hydra signed a contract for the supply of 6 spherical valves DN600 PN82 for the hydropower plant in Mottec, owned by Force Motrice de la Gougra (in partnership with Alpiq) and operated by HYDRO Exploitation. Following the design phase, which took place between late 2019 and early 2020, the first two spherical valves…
HYDRO 2024, 18-20 November 2024 at Messe Congress Graz – Austria We wait for you at our booth N. 113 COME AND VISIT US! For further information please contact Ms. Sara Succi at sara_succi@vortexhydra.com
CLEAN CURRENTS 2024, 7-10 October, 2024 at Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR We wait for you at our booth 1746 COME AND VISIT US! For further information please contact Ms. Sara Succi at sara_succi@vortexhydra.com
In August 2023, our technicians carried out an important maintanace intervention at the RANATULLO II SITE in the of the district JUNIN/SAN JUAN DE VIENA IN PERU on a DN 700 PN 43 SPERICAL VALVE. The valve is in operation since 2014 and after this lead time, we have been involved to replace the movable and fixed…
Småkraftdagane 2023, 27-29 March, 2023 at the Quality Hotel Evard Grieg in Sandsli, 4 km from Bergen Airport Fesland, Norway We wait for you at our booth N. 35 COME AND VISIT US!
As part of a maintenance program for the Sassenage hydroelectric power plant (France), Hydrostadium – Subsidiary of the EDF Group launched in 2018 a call for tender for the supply of a DN500 PN68 rotative ball valve, for which Vortex Hydra Srl turned out to be the successful contractor. The supply included the manufacture of…
These three kinds of valves are different in many ways: design, functioning and objective of the valve. Now we’re going to see the main differences. Butterfly Valves The first valve we want to analyze is the Butterfly type. In this case there are several applications, it is possible to use them for example…
COME AND VISIT US, SAVE THE DATE! We wait for you at our booth nr 1003
Vortex Hydra, 50 years of evolution and experience for generating solutions and new ideas for developing products, machines and plants. The VH Group was established in 1967 thanks to the initiative of a team of engineers that decided to enter business to address the growing market of industrial automation. The strength of this company is…
With 70 covered countries, over 70 clients and more than 100 installed valves, Vortex Hyrda has been generating solutions and new ideas for developing products, machinery and plants for over 50 years. Vortex Hydra has become an international design specialist of concrete roof tile manufacturing and hydraulic engineering, focusing on developing equipment for water control…
For the “Custom Made Hydromechanical Equipment” category, Vortex Hydra presents the Bottom Outlet Bonneted Gates. These types of structures are high pressure gates that are employed as a safety device during dams general maintenance operations. Located at the bottom of the dam’s basin, they consist of a pressurized pipe that is closed by twin sliding…
What is a Fixed Cone Valve? Fixed Cone Valves are used to regulate flow from dams and reservoirs. It’s a free discharge valve that is commonly used as a turbine bypass valve, reservoir drain, or continuous discharge flow control valve. This type of valve dissipates enormous amounts of energy by breaking down the water…
What are Stoplogs? Stoplogs are hydraulic engineering control elements that are used in floodgates to adjust the water level, to protect and secure during maintenance and to discharge in a river, canal or reservoir. They are individually lowered one on top of other via a vertical guide system to a predeterminate height, to fit the…
What is a flap gate? A flap gate is a flow control device that functions as a check valve, allowing water to flow through it in only one direction. These special gates are mainly employed to control the flow of water through flood barriers, reservoirs and rivers. Structure of the gates The flap gate…
Spherical Valves are installed as special shut-off valves for high pressure water at the end of the penstock most commonly used in front of the turbine. The main function of this type of valve is to shut-off the penstock during normal shutdown or automatically in case of emergency due to a turbine malfunction or a…
With more than 100 clients and 70 covered countries, Vortex Hydra is one of the major players in both residential construction and renewable energy industries. Innovation and engineering are the two main keywords of this company, combined with the strong international orientation which, over the years, has led Vortex Hydra to be one of the…
Miter gates are the most used hydraulic closures in inland navigation locks. Their history dates back to the 15th century, when Leonardo da Vinci invented the first version of this hydraulic solution. The purpose of these gates is to allow boats navigating on a water flow to bypass obstructive structures creating different water levels. …
Vortex Hydra is pleased to present its production of Radial Gates. The gates, in hydraulic engineering, are movable barriers for controlling the passage of fluid through a channel, like a river or a canal, where usually there are a pair of gates at each end. The radial gates or tainter gates are similar in principle,…
The purpose of a butterfly valve is to regulate or isolate the flow of different type of fluid, gas or solid material and they have applications across several industries. What characterizes most of the butterfly valves used on dams and hydroelectric plants is their significant dimension and subsequently the very high pressure that the valves…
This has been a challenging year for all of us people fighting for their country, for their business and for their loved ones. It has put our community and every one of us to the test requiring us to be tenacious, inventive, strong, and resourceful. We have tackled this pandemic by relying on our…
XXXV CONGRESO NACIONAL DE INGENIERÍASociedad Colombiana de Ingenieros 11-13 March 2020 Hotel las AmericasCartagena – Colombia We wait for you at our booth nr B4 VISIT THE EXHIBITION WEBSITE: https://sci.org.co/
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our Clients! Best wishes from all the Vortex Staff
HYDRO 2019 Conference & Exhibition 14/16 October 2019 Porto, PORTUGAL COME AND VISIT US, SAVE THE DATE! We wait for you at our booth nr 19
COME AND VISIT US, SAVE THE DATE! We wait for you at our booth nr 9022
Vortex Hydra supplies 4 SPHERICAL VALVES TO HYDRO ENERGIA SRL We are pleased to announce that last September Vortex Hydra was awarded the tender for the supply of 4 spherical valves DN700 PN64 to Hydro Energia S.r.l. (Part of Riva Calzoni S.p.A.). The new valves will replace the existing ones in the power stations at…
A brief history of the evolution of Vortex technology in these 50 years. Project calculations were done with a slide rule which meant you had to concentrate hard and not get distracted because it takes no account of the zeros in multiplication and division The birth of the tile plants In 69 we…